Contact the taxi company

Contact the taxi company

Arrange taxi by phone
If you want to arrange a taxi by specifying the date and time and vehicle type, the telephone reception desk is as follows (in the case of Tokyo 23 wards, Musashino city, Mitaka city)

Daiwa Motor Transportation03-3563-5151 (24-hour support) Web inquiry
Green cab03-3203-8181 Web inquiry
km group (Km)03-5530-6001 (24-hour support) Web inquiry
Checker cab0570-02-3751 or 03-5332-3751 Web inquiry
Kotobuki Transportation0422-32-5189(7:00 - 21:00) Web inquiry
If your company is not on the list above, please call the cab company directly.

Reissue of receipt, etc.
Please contact the taxi company directly for reissuance of the receipt. How to contact a taxi company,

(1) Start S.RIDE
(2) Press "Menu"
(3) Press "Usage history"
(4) Press the relevant boarding date
(5) Please check the phone at the bottom of the screen
(6) Please tell the operator the date and time of boarding and the vehicle number.

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