How can I change the payment method for S.RIDE Premium?

How can I change the payment method for S.RIDE Premium?

If you want to change your payment credit card, S.RIDE Biz or CAB CARD follow the steps below.
If your registered credit card or CAB CARD has expired and you wish to renew it, please follow the steps below to make the change as well.

1. Launch the S.RIDE app and press the menu at the bottom right
2. Press "S.RIDE Premium - Service info"
3. Press "Subscription plan" at the bottom of the screen
4.  Press "Disable auto-renewal"
5. Do you want to stop auto-renewal? Press "Stop"
6. Press "Enable auto-renewal"
7. Press "Payment"
8. Register and select a new card in your payment method settings
9. Press "Restart S.RIDE Premium"

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