

Registered Users may receive a discount on a portion of fares and charges, or on the fees for the use of this Application or other discounts, by using the coupons issued by the Company in a manner that satisfies the applicable conditions.
If the payment through the online payment service is not completed successfully, the discount may not be applied by using the coupon.

About the coupon code
Coupon codes are one-byte alphanumeric codes issued on GROWTH rear seating tablets, flyers, etc.
You can register from within the S.RIDE app when you have a coupon code.
Taxi companies with multiple dispatch apps may not have a GROWTH rear seat tablet where you can get a coupon code for S.RIDE.

Register Coupon Code
Coupon codes can only be registered once.
Expired coupon codes cannot be registered.
If you enter the same coupon code more than once, an error message will appear.
A coupon code for the same coupon can only be registered once for the same phone number.
A coupon code can only be registered once per phone number. You will not be able to get the coupon again if you recreate your account.
Coupon code registration is not applicable to customers who have already registered a refer-a-friend code or who have already dispatched a car through S.RIDE. Only customers who have never used S.RIDE for vehicle dispatch (immediate call, reserved dispatch) are eligible.

Coupon code expiration date
Coupon codes have an expiration date. Expired coupon codes cannot be used.

How to use coupons
Please see "How to use the coupon" for details.

Coupon expiration date
Coupons have an expiration date. Expired coupons cannot be used.
If a registered user withdraws from membership or deletes his/her account, all coupons held by the user will become invalid.

Coupon Type
Fare Discount Coupon
The amount stated on the coupon will be discounted from the total fare.
Coupon for free use of reservation service
There is no charge for using the reservation dispatch.

Registered Users shall not disclose or publish Coupon Codes except as permitted by S.RIDE.
Coupons cannot be transferred, sold or redeemed for cash.
If a customer does not show up at the designated location, date and time for a car dispatch to which the coupon has been applied, the coupon cannot be returned.

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