Cancellation fee

Cancellation fee

We will collect the cancellation fee in the following cases.
If cancellations continue, we may restrict usage.

In case of cancellation after ordering reservation dispatch
If you cancel due to customer's convenience after 15 minutes before reservation dispatch
(Example: If reservation dispatch is set at 10 am, and the customer cancels after 9:45 am)
When the customer does not appear at the pick-up point even at the specified time

In case of cancellation after ordering by Ride (Call now) dispatch
If you cancel after ordering, one minute has passed since the car was confirmed.

Cancellation fee receipt
The receipt for the cancellation fee will be sent by e-mail to the specified address by clicking the "Issue Receipt" button in the boarding history. S.RIDE Co., Ltd. does not issue paper receipts.
S.RIDE Inc. collects the cancellation fee directly from the customer.

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